Zoo theme is one of our favorites. I’m in a hurry to share… 

“Once at the Zoo” – this is a book or Activity binder with thematic learning activities -tasks. It playfully helps a child gets acquainted with animals and birds from different parts of our planet. It develops and studies. 

Zoo theme missions - activities for kids

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The little kids can begin acquaintance with the book in random order, completing individual mission tasks.
For older kids, there is the plot. All tasks are missions, the main purpose of which is to help zookeepers find and return the missing animals and birds.

Zoo thematic activities for the development of children.

During the game, we expand our vocabulary, broaden our horizons, train visual discrimination skills and logical thinking, as well as consolidate knowledge and skills:

  • Distinguish and compare concepts: large, medium, small;
  • Compare the “Animal” and its shadow;
  • Count from 1 to 10;
  • Compare the Quantity and its digital designation;
  • Find differences;
  • Search for items (animals and birds);
  • Distinguish geometric shapes;
  • Collect puzzle;
  • Find animals for their babies.

Animals & birds counting games (1-10)

Animals matching games

 Shadow matching game – is one of the first basic games for early education and visual discrimination. 

Animals and birds searching activities

Besides, we learn:

  • What animals eat; 
  • What animals are – Predators or Herbivores?
  • We study the animal habitat and consolidate knowledge about which animals and where they come from to the Zoo – Forest, Arctic, Savannah, Rain Forest.

In total, the book contains 18 tasks.

So, open the book and start the adventure with us!

The game is available in Russian and English. 

P.S. If you would like to continue the story and more new tasks about the zoo – leave your comments on the site, on our pages in social networks or send by e-mail.

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